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Wake Turbulence!

Well, the wish to get back flying was granted and I got three short flights yesterday - 2 of 30 minutes and one of an hour! Hard work but a little more enjoyable than long range flights, where there is little to do for several hours in the cruise. However, the final flight did have an unfortunate incident.  Air Traffic vectored another aircraft infront of us, and as it climbed through our level we flew through its wake.  Even though there was 7 miles seperation, our aircraft suffered a sudden and abrupt departure which was quickly recovered!  There was some mess in the cabin; spilt food, broken glasses and some wet passengers (from the spilt champagne) but the Flight Attendant came off worse.  She had gone to warn the passengers about the expected turbulence encounter and was still standing when we hit it!  Luckily, it was just some pulled back muscles so after some rest and a visit to the 'back doctor' she was able to continue the next day!  Things like that remind me not to get too complacent when flying!

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